All About the

Fancy Raw Honey

The honey produced by Homestead Apiaries is classified as Grade-A Fancy. Our honey is 100% raw and has never been cooked.
This preserves the natural enzymes, probiotics, pollens, and characteristics of the honey. The honey varies slightly during different times of the season, but it is consistently characterized by its blonde color and velvety texture as it sugars and it remains spreadable, unlike a honey that has been heated and therefore develops into larger crystals. Corey is very particular about the honey as it is selected and processed, to ensure a high standard of quality and consistent color, texture, and flavor.
Distinct reasons our honey is unique
- Our location in the Sogn Valley region of southern Minnesota, home to one of the largest existing Old Growth Linden/Basswood Forests. When the trees bloom, the bees forage and pollinate these trees, then collect the nectar and pollen that gives our honey its unique light and floral profile. These are some of the most perfect conditions for the bees, giving them a superior and ample place to forage early in the season.
- Throughout the spring, summer, and fall, our bees forage on land in cooperation with more than 180 landowners. The bio-diversity of the wildflowers, flowering trees, and native prairie helps the bees to craft the unique honey that we are best known for.
- Whether you buy a bottle of our creamy blonde honey or one that is clear and light amber you are purchasing essentially the same honey. Any differences in taste or color depend on when during the season the honey was gathered or how long the honey has rested on the shelf after bottling. Because our honey hasn’t been heated, it will eventually return to a creamier sugar state unique to where it came from and how it was processed.
- Our unwavering standard for quality. Our hives, habitat, staff, vehicles, and the honey that is produced are all held to a very high standard because our bees deserve that. We work hard to ensure that the areas around us are right for our bees.
- Our deep knowledge of beekeeping ensures that our practices are based on being beekeepers first, which yields a better end-product, and the honey is handled with the same care and attention.
- We enjoy the art of beekeeping and strive to keep the honey in its natural raw state. 100% pure and 100% produced by our bees.
- Homestead Honey Farm only sells honey produced in-house by our family-run company with more than 50 years of history in beekeeping…and that unwavering standard foremost in mind.

Honey Fun Facts
We Aim to Bring You
The Best Honey Around
- Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic benefits.
- Raw honey contains enough natural enzymes and pollen to combat seasonal allergies (such as hay fever). Simply eat a tablespoon of raw honey each day from a farm near where you live to build up your immunity.
- Honey can be used as a cough medicine because it coats the throat.
- Honey can improve brain function because it contains pinocembrin, an antioxidant.
- Honey can help strengthen your immune system.
- Honey is the only natural edible product that contains all four life-critical substances: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water.
- While some national brands of honey add things like corn syrup to their honey or cook it to clarify it… our honey is simply that-HONEY.
- The color and flavor of honey are influenced greatly by what the bees are foraging. No two kinds of honey are alike.
- There are more than 300 recognized types of honey in the United States.
- Honey stored in a sealed container does not spoil, ever!

Around the Farm

Some Like It HOT!

New HOT HONEY Infused with Cayenne Pepper
Introducing the New hot honey produced by Homestead Honey Farm. In addition to raw honey, Homestead debuted a Hot Honey in 2022, which is infused with cayenne pepper. The process for creating the hot honey follows our same standards for quality. While minimal amounts of heat are required, the honey is never heated above 95˚.

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