Homestead Apiaries was started in 1972 by Bob and Bette Behlke. They both attended college in Mankato and Bette began working for a beekeeper. After working for a variety of beekeepers to learn the craft, started their own honey farm in south-eastern Minnesota outside Dennison.
About Us
a·pi·ar·y| āpē,erē | noun (plural apiaries)
a place where bees are kept; a collection of beehives or bee farm.
Today, Homestead Apiaries is a 2nd generation honey farm, boasting more than 50 years of continuous production of some of the finest honey around. About half of our honey is sold in jars and bottles to consumers and the rest is used by breweries, restaurants, and a variety of other commercial operations. Corey Behlke, the son of Bob and Bette, now runs and owns the farm. He raises the bees along with his family and his team. In addition to the honey farm and bottling production in Minnesota, Homestead Apiaries operates a second location in a remote area of Texas where we raise the next generation of bees and spend portions of the winter. A heritage of stewardship has shaped Homestead Apiaries, making the name feel that much more meaningful. The homestead is where it all began and still operates today!

Our Mission & Values
We enjoy the art of beekeeping and strive to keep our honey in its natural raw state. Homestead Honey is 100% Pure Minnesota Honey, self-produced by a family-run company with more than 50 years of history in beekeeping and an unwavering standard for quality.

- Unwavering quality in everything we do
- Pride in our heritage – “We are beekeepers first,” fostering the art of beekeeping for more than 50 years
- Self-produced goodness
- 100% pure Minnesota raw honey enjoyed in its natural state

Team Dedication
The Homestead Apiaries team is made up of many dedicated individuals.
Some of our staff has been with us for over 15 years!
Our Loves
Aside from our bees and honey, we have another love. That would be our customers. Without you and your support, we would not still be doing this after 50+ years. We love the fan mail, and the stories that you’ve sent us over the years. It was and remains one of the most gratifying parts of our work.

Our Roots
We would like to share a bit of our history. It is these bits of our past that have helped to shape Homestead Honey Farm into what it is today. The fan mail, the news articles, the stories. We hope you enjoy!